Comedian Bio’s

Mazz Matta

Originally from Lebanon, Mazz moved to the USA at age 7 and to Australia at age 17.

Mazz Matta, pronounced Mazz Matta, is an artist and comedian who does things in an Unorthodox way, despite being raised Orthodox.

His style can be best described as funny. Which is weird for a prop comic, but miracles happen.

Especially if he has anything to do with it.

Milton White

Milton was raised in the Serengeti by a pride of lions and eventually became their king.

One season there was a drought so bad that all the animals started eating their own to survive. He swore he would never do this but eventually he swallowed his pride. He emigrated to Australia shortly thereafter.

This festival he can be seen in two shows, The One-Liner Show at The Rubber Chicken, and The WTF Show at Club Voltaire.

Paul Balsillie

Paul Balsillie is Australia’s answer to Jimmy Carr – if Jimmy Carr was to ask “Who the hell is this bloke?”

With his finely-crafted puns and misdirection, one liners are his jam, and also his bread and butter. Basically, he’s a jam sandwich.

At least three of his books have been made into movies – Frankenstein, Dracula and Moby Dick – and that would be even more impressive if he’d written them.

He once lived for an entire year eating nothing but food

Rhys Halliwell

From Wagga Wagga, Rhys was technically a midget until he was 16.

He wanted to be a cartoonist, then a film maker then a Stand-Up Comedian, which is perfect, because he hates collaborating.

He decided to write a whole bunch of jokes and never bother to hit an open mic until he was in his 30s because that would be the ideal way to get really good right before he turns 50.


IT Guy by day, Comedian by night, Sheany has been pounding the pavement in Melbourne’s comedy circuit, but his fists are sore and bloody and he can’t take it anymore.

With a body like a super model’s oversized handbag, he guarantee’s nothing.

A 2nd generation Australian, he’s as cultured as your childhood Yoplait, which isn’t much really, like most Australian’s…. Yeah I said it…